Legal information

The website is maintained by Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB – registered in the Partnerschaftsregister [Partnership Register] at the Frankfurt am Main County Court, Register No. [PR Nr.]: 2638 Windmühlstraße 1 | 60329 Frankfurt am Main | Phone: +49 69 874 0306-0 | Fax: +49 69 874 0306-20 | E-mail: info@rosinuspartner. com (“Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte“).

The company’s tax ID is 01336160909. The Partners, each with sole power of representation, are: Dr. Christian Rosinus and Dr. Mathias Grzesiek.

The professional liability insurance is with HDI Versicherung AG, HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover. Territorial scope: Entire EU territory and the countries of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The attorneys working for Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte are attorneys under German Law. They are members of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main [Frankfurt am Main Bar Association] and are subject to the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) [Federal Code for Lawyers], Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) [Act on the Remuneration of Lawyers], the Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA) [German Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers] and the Charter of Core Principles of the European Legal Profession and Code of Conduct for European Lawyers.

The above mentioned materials can be viewed in our offices or can be downloaded from the website of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer [Federal Chamber of Lawyers], the Bundesnotarkammer [Federal Chamber of Notaries], and the Bundessteuerberaterkammer [Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors] (

Competent Supervisory Authority

The competent supervisory authority is the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main [Frankfurt am Main Bar Association].

Obligation to provide information pursuant to the Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz [Consumer Dispute Settlement Act] (Sec. 36 VSBG).

Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte is neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a Consumer Arbitration Board pursuant to Sec. 36 Subs. 1 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act.


The website of Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte (“website”) is subject to the following terms of use: Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte has carefully compiled and checked the contents of the Website. However, Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte does not assume any liability for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the contents.

The information on the website is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. Insofar as reference is made to websites of third parties or a hyperlink is provided to such pages, such information is information for which Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte is not responsible. Rosinus | Partner Rechtsanwälte has no influence on such external information and does not adopt it as its own.

The contents of the website are protected by copyright. Unless expressly permitted, any use of the contents is only permitted within the legal limits.

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