Law Enforcement Policies of the U.S. Department of Justice
In the fourth episode of our English series our guest on the podcast is Scott Hulsey. After a brief introduction of himself he speaks with Dr Rosinus about the policies of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), in particular about the updated Corporate Enforcement Policy.
Mr Hulsey first explains the scope of activities of the DOJ as a federal governmental authority. Afterwards he and Dr Rosinus speak about DOJ Policies in general and Dr Rosinus draws a comparison to German prosecuting guidelines.
Further, they talk about the new guidelines that the DOJ transmitted to the prosecutors. Mr Hulsey gives an overview of the main updates in the Corporate Enforcement Policy, in particular the new provision on tying compensation to compliance conduct, the disclosure provisions, and the introduction of a precise system for disclosing the consequences of breaches of the policy.
Mr. Hulsey highlights the impacts of the policy to corporate compliance systems, not only for American but also for global companies. Eventually, Mr Hulsey outlines the consequences for M&A transactions.
You can find the DOJ Corporate Enforcement Policy here: